Lucid Dream #6 — My Dad Looks Young and Healthy
January 10, 2023
‘Just trust me, hold my hand and fly’
Here is another new lucid dreaming story where I explore the fantastic world of dreams that I’m oh so familiar with. I have always been fascinated by my dreams and have been dream-journaling for years. But I’ve never really been able to control them at will. This is new territory! So my goal is to learn how to lucid dream more often (on command) and to eventually use them for spiritual and personal growth. Enjoy my stories as a beginner lucid dreamer. Here we go!
It’s 2 AM, and I just woke up… way too early! Still sleepy, I nod off again, but not before setting a quick intention to lucid dream. A natural wake-back-to-bed! And yep, there we are! I am dreaming, and as soon as the dream starts, I realise it’s a dream. I reality-check by looking at my hands, but they seem normal to me. Although my fingers seem a bit short… Let me try another one. I pinch my nose and try to breathe, and it works! I can breathe through it. Great, I am dreaming.
Only now do I realise where I am. Somewhere outside near my house and my dad stands in front of me. “DAD?” I shout. I’m surprised to see him here, as I rarely see my dad. He looks very healthy and young like he did about 15 years ago. It makes me happy to see him like that. We walk together along the road and speak about different things (I can’t remember about what anymore). While we talk, I take in the scenery. Everything is so green, the trees and plants, it’s so beautiful and peaceful here. At some point, I decide that I wanna do something fun. I’m dreaming after all. So let’s fly! I ask my dad to join me, but he doesn’t want to. “It’s ok, just trust me, hold my hand and fly,” I tell him. But he doesn’t trust me. He thinks this is real life. So I decide to go somewhere else and leave him behind.
I walk towards the fields nearby and look at the small river flowing through. I’d like to go somewhere else, somewhere more ‘dreamlike’, so I intend to visit Pandora (the world of Avatar). I’m going to jump into the river, and I will reach this world by swimming through a portal. At least, that’s what I tell myself. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I jump into the river, but it’s nothing but a muddy shallow pond that leads nowhere.
I feel the dream is slowly fading, so I get out of the water quickly. I crawl onto the grass and then onto the tarmac of the biking lane. I look at the floor to take in its details. It helps to stabilise the dream again, and I get up. I walk towards some houses nearby and decide to use one of the front doors as a portal to Pandora. “Once I walk through this door, I will arrive in Pandora,” I say to myself out loud. So I open the door, but I’m not sure what happens here. It feels as if my body squeezes through a very tight space, but I don’t actually get anywhere. Instead, I stand in front of the door but now turned around, looking away from the house. Suddenly, there are some other dream characters. It’s a family, and they are getting ready for a road trip. Some are loading up the car with goods, and a little girl (their daughter) stands next to me. I think of my dream goals. They are not all accessible to me, but a few are… Ask a dream character about their day… So I ask the girl how her day has been. I forgot what she answered, but then she asks me about my day and what I’d been doing. This confuses me. I did not expect that. I think back to my day, but I’m in a dream, so I haven’t done anything. “I don’t know!” That is all I can answer, still perplexed. I try the front door one more time, but again it doesn’t work. The dream is fading, and I decide to wake myself up to not forget the experience.
This was such a nice lucid dream. It was great to ‘catch up’ with my dad, as I, unfortunately, can’t really do that anymore in waking life. It’s a shame that he didn’t want to fly with me, as he was very confident that he was in the real world. Also, the dream and its characters looked so real! I’m surprised by how well it imitated my real neighbourhood. It felt as if I was actually there (I’m currently travelling, so I haven’t been there in a while). The dream lasted for about 10 minutes, I’d say, which is pretty good as I lost lucidity quite quickly in the previous lucid dream. I still have trouble with portals and getting myself to different locations, so that’s something I need to work on!
If you have any tips or questions for me, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to hear your stories. Thanks again for reading!