Lucid Dream #13 & Astral Projection #7 — As above, so below

July 23, 2023

Liza's Dreamy Journal
5 min readMay 15, 2024

‘I’m finally outside! I look around and see a huge lightning cloud.’

Another night full of lucidity! Starting off with an astral projection and ending in a lucid dream. Read on!

I’m taking care of lots of cats in the same building. One of them is a cat of an older lady. She’s at home while I take care of the cat. She’s going to bed, so I have to put the cat on her bed with her. When doing that, I notice my hands. They look weird, like baby hands. It makes me become lucid. The lucid dream fades quickly, and I feel my body buzzing. I’m trying to get out of my body. The pull back into my body is super strong, but I get out eventually and make my way through an open door in my house. I’m out of body, and I’m finally outside! I look around and see a huge lightning cloud in the distance. I observe it for a while as it looks incredible. But it doesn’t last that long, and I get sucked back into my body.

I immediately come back to a dream in which I’m lucid. I’m at my neighbour’s house, and they’re having a party. There’s this guy that draws my attention. He’s not really stable and has some mental health issues going on. It’s as if I can perceive his multiple minds or personalities at once. I am curious, so I walk up to him to speak to him, but then my attention is drawn towards a massive aquarium. Instead of a wall, there’s this large aquarium with big fish swimming inside. It takes up all my attention, and I black out for a moment.

Next, I find myself in some random North American town. Lucid again. I’m not myself, though. This time I’m actually a guy. And I’m running around the city (it looks a bit like LA, though I’ve never been there before). I see an interesting house behind a gate, so I walk towards the gate to open it, but then, an Indian guru appears to be standing next to me, and he tells me that I shouldn’t open it and enter the house. I’m a bit confused, but before I can ask him why, he gives me a gun with a colourful rainbow pattern and walks away. Why did he give me a gun? What am I supposed to do with this? It feels like some kind of gift, a token. But it’s still a murder weapon, after all, so I decide to put it away and walk on. After a bit of walking around, I see a group of people doing a yoga class outside. I get excited to join in, and my lucidity fades away slowly.

Whenever I find myself in a lucid dream or out of body, I notice things that are very symbolic to me. It’s the same with my regular dreams. I will see and experience things that I focus on in waking life. Often, nature is an important part of my experiences. And it’s also something that I’m most interested in exploring in these realms. I can be fully absorbed in a natural phenomenon, such as an animal or a lightning cloud, and I lose awareness of all else. It’s quite interesting because these are actually the things that make me become aware and present in my waking life. I wonder why it has the opposite effect during these states.

My attention span is quite short when lucid or out of body. I tend to forget what I wanted to do or was doing in the first place. People say this will get better with more practice. And I believe it does, but I also think that it might help to specifically practise these things during the day. I know that I tend to forget things even though I tell myself that I need to remember them later. I just won’t, not until much later anyway. A good example is from when I was younger my mom asked me to do a chore in the house, and when she got back, I realised I totally forgot to do it. I suppose it’s only human, but it’s actually something we can actively work on.

It’s called prospective memory training. Stephen LaBerge mentions this in his book ‘Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming’. I have practised this for a while when I started trying to induce lucid dreams. I set myself daily targets and told myself to do a reality check whenever I noticed the targets. It was quite a challenging exercise, but I got better after a few weeks of practice. It’s especially effective if you choose things that are likely to come up in your dreams as well. This is also why I chose my hands as a reminder for a reality check. Interesting stuff for sure!

What you focus on in waking life is what you attract in dreams and OBE’s as well. This goes much further than just dream content and dream signs. I tend to focus a lot on animals, nature and the seasons, and it stands out to me in LD’s and OBE’s as well. But it’s not just what you see. It’s how you feel, too. The less-dense realms are very thought and emotion-responsive.

I once read an interesting theory about the astral sky that resonated with me. If you’ve read my previous experiences, you might have noticed that the astral sky has been a point of interest for me since my first conscious astral projection. After experiencing this astral lightning cloud, I wanted to find out more about the nature of the astral sky. The theory suggests that the astral sky is especially thought-responsive because it is an ‘empty space’ that’s filled in by our subconscious. What are your thoughts on this?

Well, that’s all for now! I Love speculating about these kinds of theories and am always eager to hear others’ perspectives.

How long did it take you to become better at staying aware and remembering your targets? And what is your experience with thought responsiveness in the astral? Feel free to leave a comment!



Liza's Dreamy Journal
Liza's Dreamy Journal

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