Astral Projection #6 — What’s Going on at my Neighbour’s House?
May 27, 2023
‘They are all watching TV, but the TV is static. I wonder what they are looking at.’
It’s been a while since I astral projected, and I almost forgot how magical it feels. Even though my experiences are probably considered relatively mundane, as I still find myself in Lokale 1, the plane closest to Earth. But even that plane already feels more ‘real’ than life itself. I can always tell the difference between the astral and a dream, by the texture of the experience. It just feels different. And it looks different as well. The astral plane I usually find myself in looks like a gloomy place. A shadow version of Earth. It’s as if the astral world is a world in eternal twilight. The place between day and night. Sometimes it can be golden as well, I find that to be true whenever I project during daylight hours.
For this projection, I didn’t really have any tasks in mind, as the experience wasn’t planned. I just went along with whatever I felt drawn to and stayed close to home. I am still figuring a lot of things out when it comes to astral projecting, as it’s also very different to lucid dreams in many ways. It is its own experience, and certain things, such as moving around, simply work differently. I absolutely love exploring the astral realm, and I hope you’ll enjoy my short story!
It’s early in the morning, and I can’t fall back to sleep. I decide to get out of bed to find a different place to sleep. Moving to a different location often helps me fall back asleep again. Except this time, I was never really awake. It was my astral body that woke up and went back to sleep again. In the faint distance, I hear a noise and wake up again, now in my garden. This is when I realise that I’m in the astral. And who is playing music at this hour? This is the first time I hear a sound in the astral, and it’s quite a strange experience. I’m not hearing it with my ears. It’s hard to explain. Intrigued, I decide to check it out. But when I look around for the first time, my garden seems very strange. There are loads of plants everywhere. I float up towards the plants that grow up the wall of my house to look at them closely. They look magical. The colours are so vibrant. Glowing even. The plants feel alive, and I can’t stop touching them.
After a while, I decide to check out the neighbour’s house as it looks quite different. I see some people standing at the door opening of my neighbour’s back door, and they invite me in. Without hesitation, I enter the house. On the inside, it looks very different as well. The structure is the same, but the decoration is entirely different. It’s filled with vintage furniture. And my neighbours are nowhere to be seen. Instead, I find myself in the living room with people my age. They are students. Not sure how I know this, but I just do. They sit down around a coffee table, and I join them. No one is really speaking, and it feels a bit weird. They are all watching TV, but the TV is static. I wonder what they are looking at. Does technology not work in the astral?
I look around, and on the table stands a small terrarium. When I look at it, I see a small gecko. But I don’t realise what the gecko is sitting on until one person points it out. It sits on top of another lizard, a giant one. It looks unreal. Like a small dragon, but with a smooth, shiny skin instead of scales. It’s nearly as big as the tank. I’ve never seen anything like it, and it’s just as vibrant as the plants outside. It looks very out of place in this dark atmosphere. “Isn’t this terrarium a bit too small for him?” I ask, implying that it is. But no one answers. No one even looks at me when I speak. I am a bit confused and feel bad for the creature. I want to help, but for some reason, I feel like I’m not allowed to do that. Unfortunately, I lose consciousness quickly and find myself awake in my bed.
This was such an odd experience. This time, I wasn’t surprised to see other people at all, even though I’ve only seen one other person before in a previous experience. I was, however, mesmerised by the astral nature again. I just can’t get over it. In every experience, I see many more plants and trees, and they feel alive. Perhaps it is because they are, of course, living beings and probably have a very strong connection to the less dense realms. Apparently, even after they have been cut down.
The lizard surprised me very much as well. Reflecting upon it, I get the feeling that, perhaps, it was stuck in a lower plane. Apparently held prisoner in a cage way too small. I don’t know if the location, my neighbour’s house, has anything to do with it. My neighbours don’t keep lizards. They do keep some cats indoors, which I certainly don’t agree with. But I’m not sure if it’s connected. I also don’t think these astral people had anything to do with it, as I didn’t feel any ill will coming from them. I’m not sure if they were even aware that they were there themselves. They reminded me of sleepwalkers a bit.
I’m very curious to hear if you had any experiences with astral nature and animals/entities that looked perhaps out of place, stuck in the wrong plane? If so, were you able to communicate with them and maybe even help them?
Again, thanks so much for reading! Feel free to ask me any questions and share your own experiences. Till next time!