Astral Projection #5 — I Met Someone for the First Time

August 21, 2022

Liza's Dreamy Journal
5 min readAug 31, 2022

‘Right… Teleportation is a thing here in the astral!’

I am happy to share yet another experience, where I discover new things about the astral world. I hope to inspire you to venture into this unknown but strangely familiar realm. And if you already are an experienced projector, I’m sure you can relate to these fresh astral-novice stories. Let’s get started!

It’s early morning, and I feel my body floating up and down at the same time. Oh my! It’s happening again! I’m excited, but I keep my emotions under control. My hands feel loose, and as I lift them slowly, the rest of my body follows. My astral body turns around and floats down through my bed and through the floor. I am downstairs now, but my movements feel sluggish, and I know I’m still too close to my physical body. I float through the wall and find myself outside in my garden. I have better sight now and look around. Everything looks as I know it, but I don’t focus much on details. What shall I do now?

Without even thinking, I slowly float toward the houses on my left. I wonder what people are doing inside their homes at this moment. Can anyone even see me? And if I see someone, does that mean they are astral projecting as well? I’ve never seen anyone in the astral before! Besides, is it OK for me to just go inside their homes? Before I can make up my mind about this, I already find myself inside someone’s house. Right… Teleportation is a thing here in the astral! Luckily, I see no one there. I would never want to disrespect anyone’s privacy. Does that even exist in the astral anyway?

I look around, and what catches my attention, are some animals walking around the room. Pets maybe? There is an animal in a cage, but it’s open. I don’t instantly recognize what animal it is. Some kind of rodent… A ferret maybe. It looks a bit fuzzy and blurry. I look around the corner into another room and see some terrariums. Maybe there are snakes inside it? I decide that I don’t want to stick around any longer.

Immediately, I am somewhere else. It’s a familiar place in another part of the city I grew up in. Although, it does look a bit different. The astral always looks and feels different. Very spacious, but also very small. It’s as if nothing exists beyond what I see, but on the other hand, I feel like it’s endless. I’m staring at a city park with tall trees, but the trees look dead. Maybe not dead, but it looks like it’s wintertime. I think back to my previous astral experience where trees were much greener than in the physical. I even saw trees that have been cut down and aren’t there anymore now. But now I’m standing here, and these trees have no leaves at all. It’s summertime right now, so why does the park look like it is winter? It even looks cold! A light blue fog hangs around it, I can tell the air is crisp. It’s still early in the morning, and the sun is rising. I look up at the trees, and the sun shines on the treetops. It’s as if I can see two ‘dimensions’ simultaneously, depending on how I look, because now I see leaves there! Wow. So where the sunlight doesn’t hit the trees, they look barren, but where it does, they seem full of leaves. Interesting.

I turn away from the park and walk/float around. Then, I see someone. Wait, what? A person? I’ve never seen anyone in the astral! It’s a man. I’m not sure what he’s doing, but it looks like he’s walking a dog. Although there is no dog… We speak for a bit. But unfortunately, I can’t remember what our brief conversation was about. All I remember is that it wasn’t a very deep conversation. He did want to introduce me to someone. A friend who lives somewhere in a house nearby. Though, I’m not sure if I decided to come with him and meet this person or not. At this point, I woke up. I got the feeling the guy wasn’t very conscious of what was happening and what he was doing. I’ve heard many stories of people meeting others in the astral, but most of them are unconsciously projecting. I feel like that was the case here. But still, the first person I’ve seen so far. And some animals too. I had expected it to feel different than it did, but then again, I was losing consciousness myself again at this point as well. I do wonder who this ‘friend’ I was going to meet was. Maybe I’ll find out some other time!

It’s been a while since I’ve astral projected, but every time it happens, it feels so natural. This is the first time I actually teleported away from my house. I’d been in the garden and street before, but never further than that. I wasn’t fully conscious during the projection though. I’d say I had about 70% lucidity. Moving around felt sluggish at first, and the same goes for my sight. At first, I couldn’t see much. Only on that which I focussed. I can always sense where the big things are, but it’s not always very detailed. I am still a bit concerned about those pets I saw. There was something strange going on in that house. No one was there, but the lights were on. And the animal (whatever it was) was just walking around. It didn’t seem to notice me at all.

And what is it with nature in the astral? I always know what time it is in the physical during projections. I can tell by the specific lighting in the astral. And trees… Not sure what to think of them. I know, for a fact, that this park I saw does not exist anymore. It’s a place from my childhood. I drove past it a few times recently, and there are buildings now. Most of the trees are gone. But how does the sun affect the trees in the astral? I wonder about many things. It’s a marvellous world to explore.

Very excited to share this experience with you again. If you have any notes/tips/personal experiences to share, please do feel free to comment!



Liza's Dreamy Journal
Liza's Dreamy Journal

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